Sunday, July 25, 2010


Mono? Ah, yes. How wonderful, as soon as I decide to come see you and your mommy you decide that it would be cool to get... mono, the kissing disease. Where in the heck did you get this and what little boy am I going to have to set straight? That definitely is not okay with your Aunt Lauren! Didn't you see my last post? I've heard.. down the line of people.. that you think a little boy named Drew from Vacation Bible School is CUTE! WHAT?! That is crazy talk. But anyways, what is even more crazy is now I have a very great chance of getting this possible, 6 week, laid up in the bed virus! My birthday is three? weeks away. OH, great! Okay, okay, okay, I am giving you a hard time, any sickness is well worth it when it comes to kisses from Miss Emma. So since I have this chance of getting Mono, Nanny has forced me to stay with you guys, but I guess it isn't really force when I like being with my on the side little family :)
One thing that I thought was pretty cute was when our little family decided to clean up the house we've been cooped up in ALL day and your mommy started to vacuum, well you pulled out your "popper" (which personally, I pretty much think it's just a noise maker, but that's just my opinion) and vacuumed with her! :) I will try to get the video up of that, I think it is pretty cute.
I have recently gotten my belly button pierced, and your mom will probably kill me whenever she sees this, because you're probably wanting one by the time you're this age.. and you will probably think that since I got one, it is okay for you to do the same.. but anyways. I got it done about three days ago, and you know, I really thought I would be screaming and crying by the time it was over with but the only time I have really wanted to do that was the few times you've given me a great big kick directly in the belly button! But anyways, I pretty much think that the cuteness of the whole belly button ring is worth the pain, so..... -mommy should close her eyes- I think it is safe to say that you should get it done :) But that is just me!
I can not wait for you to get better, by the way. You have been way too cranky for me to deal with lately, which makes me cranky, which makes daddy cranky, which makes your mother.. GO CRAZY ;) So get better soon for the sake of your health (of course) and the rest of this familys stress level. :)
Love you little girl!


  1. Emma- no you dont really waant your belly button pierced.. I had mine pierced at one point and took it out like a year or two later.. no worries Aunt Lerner will change her mind alot as she grows up!

    Love you Aunt Lerner.. you are so wonderful to my girlie. Love this idea of you journaling/blogging for her! Super sweet and cool. Thanks for being such a wonderful helper today and always :)


  2. Hahaha, well if you say so ;)
