Sunday, July 25, 2010


Mono? Ah, yes. How wonderful, as soon as I decide to come see you and your mommy you decide that it would be cool to get... mono, the kissing disease. Where in the heck did you get this and what little boy am I going to have to set straight? That definitely is not okay with your Aunt Lauren! Didn't you see my last post? I've heard.. down the line of people.. that you think a little boy named Drew from Vacation Bible School is CUTE! WHAT?! That is crazy talk. But anyways, what is even more crazy is now I have a very great chance of getting this possible, 6 week, laid up in the bed virus! My birthday is three? weeks away. OH, great! Okay, okay, okay, I am giving you a hard time, any sickness is well worth it when it comes to kisses from Miss Emma. So since I have this chance of getting Mono, Nanny has forced me to stay with you guys, but I guess it isn't really force when I like being with my on the side little family :)
One thing that I thought was pretty cute was when our little family decided to clean up the house we've been cooped up in ALL day and your mommy started to vacuum, well you pulled out your "popper" (which personally, I pretty much think it's just a noise maker, but that's just my opinion) and vacuumed with her! :) I will try to get the video up of that, I think it is pretty cute.
I have recently gotten my belly button pierced, and your mom will probably kill me whenever she sees this, because you're probably wanting one by the time you're this age.. and you will probably think that since I got one, it is okay for you to do the same.. but anyways. I got it done about three days ago, and you know, I really thought I would be screaming and crying by the time it was over with but the only time I have really wanted to do that was the few times you've given me a great big kick directly in the belly button! But anyways, I pretty much think that the cuteness of the whole belly button ring is worth the pain, so..... -mommy should close her eyes- I think it is safe to say that you should get it done :) But that is just me!
I can not wait for you to get better, by the way. You have been way too cranky for me to deal with lately, which makes me cranky, which makes daddy cranky, which makes your mother.. GO CRAZY ;) So get better soon for the sake of your health (of course) and the rest of this familys stress level. :)
Love you little girl!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Tuesday July 20, 2010
Boys are… yucky. Don’t ever, ever, ever get involved with boys. They have cooties and I have a bracelet to prove that to you. I think your mother and father would very much agree with this statement as well. I think it’s pretty much safe to say all boys suck besides the one that are in our family ;) So, my advice of the day is to steer very clear of anything manly 
I haven’t posted anything in a while so I thought I would say something.. ya know? But I haven’t seen you since the beach :/ So I don’t really have much to say besides the stuff about the poopy boys. I love you<3

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Oh wow, now I know how hard it is for Tyler to leave you for so long.. I'm missing you like crazy! It was pretty hard to drop you off at grandmas the other day, but I sure am glad that you're finally getting back to your mommy (today) and daddy, I know how much you were missing them. You would actually pick up the phone and scream "mommy!" until tears streamed down your face, it was heartbreaking. :( But I miss you, too :( and hopefully you miss me too ;)
I can't wait to come see you and the rest of our little family sometime soon :) Sorry it's so short, just wanted to catch up with ya :) Loveyou<3

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pics from the beach


July 15, 2010
Oh gosh, it’s been way too long since I’ve wrote to you, I guess that’s what you get when you tire the heck out of me for a week straight ;) The beach was GREAT! We had such a great time, and I taught you very many…. “neat” things ;) Oh, and for some reason, you have started calling me “lerner”, but it’s pretty cute.  We went and spent a night with our cousin Brooke and as soon as we were back at the beach, we never left. You loved the “big water”. And the sun loved me, I got so sunburned  And guess what? You didn’t get anything but a nice little tan, you definitely have your mommas skin ;) I must admit I am really enjoying how close we’ve became lately. When we finally got home from our very long five hour trip from the beach, I went to a friend’s house, and nanny told me that you were saying my name the whole time  made me feel pretty dang special! You are the sweetest little girl, miss Emma  However, I think it’s time for me to clean up my room a little. I’ve been home for two days from the beach and haven’t even opened my suitcase! Hope you’re better at things like that than me. Love you bunches.


June 9, 2010.

Wow, oh, wow is all I have to say about the night I had with you last night! You would not go to sleep for anything! Your mom, dad, and I were trying to play a nice little card game on the front porch while you were “sleeping” and you kept coming to the door crying until we finally said prayers with you and held the door shut for thirty minutes while you screamed at the top of your lungs because you wanted out. And even with all that, we still had to come get you and let you cuddle with daddy until you fell asleep. AND THEN you woke up at 5:45, but I was sound asleep and didn’t hear you screaming until about 7:15 which, might I add, is pretty impressive ;) However, today was a pretty good day. We got dressed after you had a little nap and took an adventure to Ripleys Aquarium, you weren’t all that interested, I mean a little bit, but what can I say? Neither was I. I would’ve much rather spend my time AND money on shopping ;) I’m sure you would, too. Lol J We took lots of pictures that turned out pretty good! You slept most of the way home, until I woke you up, and as soon as we got back it was time to go back to the “big water” as you call it. And again, we took lots of pictures. When we got home, we all got out showers, and ate dinner. Just you and I ate though, me being a vegetarian, I eat just about as much as you do, which isn’t much. This is where it gets bad L You and I had been jumping on the bed, taking goofy pictures, and running around the house when I laid down to catch my breath.. in the middle of the floor, lol. You decided it would be nice to hit me in the face with a fly swatter, and no I will not hold you to that, but I did cry. L After two time outs for hitting your aunt Lauren, you put on your, nice face and got ready to go take (as I am sure you can guess by now) more pictures. And now I am sitting here, editing all these pictures from today, and waiting on mommy and daddy to put you to sleep so I can leave my room. That sounds pretty bad, but it’s not so much. I like to get away and mess around on the computer and have time to myself, listen to music, and write to you ;)

This journal really scares me, to be honest. I keep imagining a really beautiful fourteen year old, miss attitude like me, reading this, and it’s just so unreal to think about. You’re sitting right in front, actually you’re walking away crying because you want to cuddle with mommy and daddy and not me L Well, I think I’m going to stop now. I have to clean up this messy room and pack for Wilmington tomorrow. I love you very, very much. As you tell me “night, night Lauren”, like six times ;)

First post

Thursday, July 08, 2010.

Today is day one of my journal to you. You are, as of today, twenty three months old. In just a few weeks you will finally be two. We are currently together at the beach, and it is just the first day of me chasing you around the beach, looking pretty.. stupid J I’m not sure, to be quite honest, what gave me the urge to do something like this for you. It could possibly be all the time that we have been spending together lately, or how it seems as if you are starting to really warm up to me (which is surprising considering you are very shy and don’t do that with most people right now), or just that I knew since your mommy got pregnant that you would be very important to me and in my heart I know you deserve something as special as this. (It’s special to me anyways) You are one very spunky, diva-ish, and jumping on the bed loving girl. And I’ve never met someone like you. You might be twenty three months old but you put a smile on my face like nobody ever has. The way you constantly scream at the top of your lungs, the way you say “hold you, hold you, hold you” over and over, and the way you love to take “cheesing” pictures with me just brightens my day. As I sit here and write I think about how you’re reading this now.. and you’re the age I am now, and it just completely blows my mind. To think that the cute little baby that I love so dearly is going to become such a beautiful, smart young lady scares me, to be honest. This may sound a little bad, but I hope you’re nothing like me when I was that age, or this age, however you want to say it J

I guess since I probably won’t remember very many details about me being 14, I should tell you a little about myself, my life, and my life with you. As you know, hopefully by now, I am fourteen and in a month or two, will be a sophomore in high school. I am a huge mommys girl, but your mommy just so happens to be the second mother figure in my life. I enjoy writing, obviously ;), my cell phone (of course), reading, facebook (I wonder if that’s going to be around in 13 years?), English, hanging out with friends, and of course being with my favorite, you! J When I first started coming around you a lot you really weren’t a fan of me, you were actually a big fan of Elliott. (jealousy) But as I said before, as much time as I’ve spent getting to know you, letting you get to know me, and warming up to you, I think it’s pretty safe to say that I am at least one of your favorites now J You are currently at the stage where you want everything you can put your hands on, including my cell phone. You enjoy taking my phone and calling/texting just about everyone in my phone. Like right now, you’re pressing so many buttons, haha. I keep getting zoned out thinking about how you being so young and little now and later you’re going to be big enough to read and, oh my gosh, I am babbling J I do that way too often. Anyways, you also enjoy screaming at the top of your lungs, EXTREMELY loud, if you can’t get what it is you want. You also like to hit people, including me L and your mommy! And it’s funny because when you get in trouble for it, you just laugh at her when she puts you in time out. I just sit and laugh because 1) it didn’t hurt ;) 2) every baby does it. I guess you just need to learn it’s “not nice.” You are a real character. But I love you dearly.

I think I am going to end it short tonight. And probably write something longer some other time. I’ll be sure to tell you about some neat tricks you learn ;) You seem to learn or do something new every day. I hope you enjoyed reading about the first day at the beach. I love you J


Well, hello there :)

So basically, I got the idea to write to my little niece.. something like a journal. So Emma and I can always have something to look back on and remember the big and little things. She just so happens to mean a lot to me and definitely has a place in my heart that nobody else in this world will ever be apart of. I want to be the best aunt I can be to this little girl, and this is one of my ideas of being a good aunt. Let me know what you think :)